RapidSMS 0.12.0 release notes

Welcome to RapidSMS 0.12.0! These release notes cover the new features in 0.12.0 as well as some backwards incompatible changes in 0.12.0 you’ll want to be aware of when upgrading from RapidSMS 0.11.0. Most RapidSMS sites and applications will require some changes when upgrading to RapidSMS 0.12.0.

They key changes in 0.12.0 are:

  • Twitter Bootstrap: The RapidSMS pages now use Twitter Bootstrap v2.2.2 for a more up-to-date and easily extensible appearance. See Front End for more information.
  • Contrib app updates: Most of the contrib apps have been updated to use more up-to-date Django practices and to add documentation and tests. A few obsolete apps have been removed.
  • Supporting Django 1.4+: RapidSMS is no longer compatible with any version of Django prior to 1.4. See the Django 1.4 release notes for more information.
  • Removed RAPIDSMS_TABS: Top level navigation is now managed with an inclusion template.
  • Officially adopted Celery: Following the inclusion of CeleryRouter, we’ve removed rapidsms.contrib.scheduler in favor of using Celery directly with RapidSMS. See Using Celery for Scheduling Tasks for more information.

Updating to RapidSMS 0.12.0

You can follow these basic guidelines when upgrading from RapidSMS 0.11.0:

  • Set up rapidsms/_nav_bar.html to replace the RAPIDSMS_TABS setting
  • Install django_tables2 and django-selectable via pip or add to your requirements file. See new dependencies for more information.
  • Add django_tables2 and selectable to INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Remove references to removed apps.

Backwards-incompatible changes in RapidSMS 0.12.0

In the goal of improving the RapidSMS core, we have made a number of backwards- incompatible changes.

Change to Twitter Bootstrap

With the change to Twitter Bootstrap, the organization of pages has changed. Simple apps might continue to work okay, but any app that relied on the previous page structure to control styling or layout might need changes.

Dropped Django 1.3 support

We decided to drop Django 1.3 support to take advantage of the functionality offered in Django 1.4+, including bulk_create and override_settings. Additionally, with the release of Django 1.5, Django 1.3 is no longer supported by the Django developers.

Please read the Django 1.4 release notes for upgrade instructions, especially Backwards incompatible changes in 1.4.

Add Django 1.5 Support

RapidSMS 0.12.0 should work correctly with Django 1.5, and we encourage upgrading to Django 1.5 when possible.

Please read the Django 1.5 release notes for upgrade instructions, especially Backwards incompatible changes in 1.5.

We believe the most common changes affecting RapidSMS projects will be:

Removal of django.conf.urls.defaults

Make the following change to all of your urls.py:

-from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+from django.conf.urls import patterns, url

Change to the url template tag

If any of your templates still use the old url template tag syntax, not quoting a literal url name, e.g.:

{% url url-name %}

for Django 1.5 they must be changed to quote the url name (or use a variable whose value is a url name):

{% url 'url-name' %}

If you wish to maintain compatibility with Django 1.4, you can add {% load url from future %} near the top of your template, e.g.:

{% load url from future %}

{% url 'url-name' %}

which will turn on support for quoted url names in Django 1.4, and be harmless in later Django releases.

Removed stale contrib apps

The following contrib applications have been removed:

  • rapidsms.contrib.ajax: Old API used for communicating with the legacy router and no longer needed.
  • rapidsms.contrib.export: Horribly insecure database export feature.
  • rapidsms.contrib.scheduler: We officially adopted Celery for scheduling and asynchronous task processing. See Using Celery for Scheduling Tasks for more information.

If your project references these packages, you’ll need to update your code appropriately.

New dependencies

Some of the contrib apps now use django-tables2 in place of the RapidSMS paginator utility to provide paging in tables. django-tables2 requires less code to set up for common cases, and also allows eventually removing paginator from RapidSMS, so there’s one less component to maintain.

The only app still using djtables is the locations app.

The messaging app uses django-selectable to provide autocompletion in an input field. django-selectable is a well-maintained, full-featured library for adding autocompletion in Django apps.

RAPIDSMS_TABS setting removed

The RAPIDSMS_TABS setting has been removed. This was used to configure the list of links displayed at the top of each page when using the RapidSMS templates. It was not very amenable to customization.

Starting in 0.12.0, the configurable links at the top of the page are generated by including a template, rapidsms/_nav_bar.html, which the RapidSMS project can override. Typically one would put list items there containing links. For example:

{% load url from future %}
<li><a href="{% url 'message_log' %}">Message Log</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'registration' %}">Registration</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'messaging' %}">Messaging</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'httptester' %}">Message Tester</a></li>

Region tags removed

These were in the base template.

Moved Message direction constants to model

The constant rapidsms.contrib.messagelog.models.DIRECTION_CHOICES has been moved to the rapidsms.contrib.messagelog.models.Message model. You may also refer to Message.INCOMING and Message.OUTGOING directly.

Test Coverage Report

With the addition of 26 tests, RapidSMS now has 136 automated unit tests with 82% (up from 72%) coverage.

RapidSMS is a free and open-source framework for dynamic data collection, logistics coordination and communication, leveraging basic short message service (SMS) mobile phone technology.

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