Setting up RapidSMS with Vumi

Vumi is a free and open source super scalable messaging platform written in Python. Vumi can connect to third party gateways via protocols like HTTP and SMPP. Please read Vumi’s documentation for additional information.

The following guide will help you setup Vumi on Ubuntu to talk to a SMPP simulator and RapidSMS installation.

Using an SMPP simulator

For local development, it’s easy to setup an SMPP simulator for testing purposes. Vumi suggests using SMPPSim. SMPPSim is a testing utility which mimics the behavior of the Short Message Peer to Peer Protocol (SMPP) based Short Message Service Center (SMSC).


SMPPSim requires Java. Please install Java before proceeding with these instructions.

To download SMPPSim, run the following commands:

tar zxf SMPPSim.tar.gz

SMPPSim runs on port 80 by default. Let’s set this to a higher port to make it easier to run without superuser privileges. Open conf/smppsim.props and change the HTTP_PORT line to:


You can use the provided shell scripts to start SMPPSim:

chmod +x

Now visit http://localhost:8080 to use SMPPSim’s web interface. You’ll use this interface to create mobile-originated (MO) messages to send to Vumi.

Installing and setting up Vumi for the first time


As of this writing, the RapidSMS/Vumi integration is planned for merge into an official Vumi release, but currently resides in the develop Vumi branch. When complete, we will update this documentation accordingly.

Clone the Vumi GitHub repository:

git clone
cd vumi
git checkout develop

Install Vumi’s Python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.pip

Setup the proper RabbitMQ user/vhost using the provided utility script:

sudo ./utils/

Create config/rapidsms.yaml using the following configuration:

    transport_name: "transport"
    system_id: smppclient1  # username
    password: password      # password
    host: localhost         # the host to connect to
    port: 2775              # the port to connect to

    transport_name: 'transport'
    rapidsms_url: ""
    web_path: "/send/"
    web_port: 9000
            transport_name: 'transport'
            from_addr: '1234' # not set automatically by SMSC

    smpp_transport: vumi.transports.smpp.SmppTransport
    rapidsms_relay: vumi.application.rapidsms_relay.RapidSMSRelay

This configures a Vumi SmppTransport to communicate to SMPPSim and a Vumi RapidSMSRelay to communicate to RapidSMS. While not required for this setup, you’ll need to set from_addr to your phone number if using a real SMSC.

Now we can start Vumi using our config file:

twistd -n start_worker --worker-class vumi.multiworker.MultiWorker --config config/rapidsms.yaml

Adding a backend for the fake SMSC to RapidSMS

Now that Vumi is installed and configured correctly, adding support for the Vumi backend to your existing RapidSMS project is not difficult. To begin, simply add the following to your existing INSTALLED_BACKENDS:

    # ...
    # other backends, if any
    "vumi-fake-smsc": {
        "ENGINE":  "rapidsms.backends.vumi.VumiBackend",
        "sendsms_url": "",

Next, you need to add an endpoint to your for the newly created backend. You can do this like so:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from rapidsms.backends.vumi.views import VumiBackendView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # ...

You can make the Django URL pattern whatever you like, but the convention is to make it backend/ followed by the name of your backend (from the settings file) and a final /.

Now, you should be able to start RapidSMS like so:

./ runserver

That’s it! Now you can use SMPPSim to send mobile-originated (MO) messages through Vumi to RapidSMS.


Vumi can be protected with basic authentication. To enable it on the Vumi side, create a passwords directive in the rapidsms_relay configuration:

    transport_name: 'transport'
    rapidsms_url: ""
    web_path: "/send/"
    web_port: 9000
            transport_name: 'transport'
            from_addr: '1234' # not set automatically by SMSC
    vumi_username: 'username'
    vumi_password: 'password'

Then you can update INSTALLED_BACKENDS with sendsms_user and sendsms_pass:

     "vumi-fake-smsc": {
         "ENGINE":  "rapidsms.backends.vumi.VumiBackend",
         "sendsms_url": "",
         "sendsms_user": "username",
         "sendsms_pass": "password",

RapidSMS is a free and open-source framework for dynamic data collection, logistics coordination and communication, leveraging basic short message service (SMS) mobile phone technology.

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