
New in version 0.13.0.

DatabaseRouter provides the following functionality:

  • All inbound and outbound messages are stored in the database.
  • Inbound and outbound messages are processed asynchronously with Celery.
  • Outbound messages are automatically split into batches for sending.
  • Use of Django’s bulk create to optimize database inserts.
  • Messages that fail to send will use Celery’s retry mechanism.

Similar to CeleryRouter, DatabaseRouter is designed for projects that require high messages volumes.

How it works

  • Before doing any processing, an inbound message is loaded into the Message and Transmission models. A celery task is then queued to process the message asynchronously.
  • The celery task reconstructs the message object, fires up the router, and passes it off for inbound processing.
  • Any replies are loaded into the Message and Transmission models.
  • The router then divides the outbound messages by backend and queues tasks for sending chunks of messages to their respective backends.
  • As tasks complete, the status of the messages are updated in the database, including any errors that occurred.



DatabaseRouter depends on django-celery 3.0+. Please follow the django-celery setup instructions before proceeding.

Add rapidsms.router.db to INSTALLED_APPS, then import djcelery and invoke setup_loader():

     # Other apps here
 import djcelery

This will register Celery tasks in rapidsms.router.db.tasks.

Set RAPIDSMS_ROUTER to use DatabaseRouter:

RAPIDSMS_ROUTER = "rapidsms.router.db.DatabaseRouter"

Run syncdb to create the necessary database tables:

python syncdb

That’s it!


The database router has one optional setting, DB_ROUTER_DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE, to change the default maximum size of a batch of messages from 200.

Celery workers

Finally, you’ll need to run the celery worker command (in a separate shell from runserver) to begin consuming queued tasks:

python celery worker --loglevel=info

Now your messages will be handled asynchronously with DatabaseRouter.

Database models

DatabaseRouter utilizes two database models, Message and Transmission.


The Message model contains the context of a text message. For every associated Connection, a Message has an associated Transmission.

class rapidsms.router.db.models.Message(id, status, date, updated, sent, delivered, direction, text, external_id, in_response_to)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Required. Date/time when message was created.


Date/time when all associated transmissions were delivered (requires backend functionality).


Required. Either 'I' or 'O'.


Optional. ID of message as defined by the associated backend.


Optional. Foreign key to Message that generated this reply.


Date/time when all associated transmissions were sent.


Required. See Message status values.


Required. Message text.


Required. Last date/time the message was updated.


A Transmission represents the instance of a particular Message and Connection.

class rapidsms.router.db.models.Transmission(id, message, connection, status, date, updated, sent, delivered)
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Required. Foreign key to associated Connection.


Required. Date/time when transmission was created.


Date/time when transmission was delivered (requires backend functionality).


Required. Foreign key to associated Message.


Date/time when transmission was sent.


Required. See Message status values.


Required. Last date/time when transmission was updated.

Message status values

Message and Transmission objects can have the following status values:

  • Inbound values:
    • Q - Queued: Message is queued and awaiting processing
    • R - Received: Message has been processed and responses are queued
    • E - Errored: An error occurred during processing
  • Outbound values:
    • Q - Queued: Message is queued and awaiting processing
    • P - Processing: Message is sending
    • S - Sent: All associated transmissions have been sent
    • D - Delivered: All associated transmissions have been delivered (requires backend functionality)
    • E - Errored: An error occurred during processing